So, what are chakras, exactly?

Everyone has chakras — wheel-like energy centers that correspond to your body’s emotional and physiological functions. To work at their best, they need to stay open. And if they’re blocked, you will feel terrible.
are seven chakras that are located along your spine, starting at your
spine’s base and running upwards to your head. Each of these seven
chakras has a corresponding name, color, specific area of your body,
and health focus. Below, you will find out how each chakra works.
The Root Chakra
Sign associated with this chakra: Taurus
Signs that
tend to have blockages: Aries, Scorpio
Color: Red
This important
chakra is located in the tailbone area, and it is the foundation of
all your energy centers. Basically, if this one is blocked, you’re
in trouble —
this may damage your physical and mental well-being. You may have
issues accessing the feelings of harmony and peace. You don’t feel
other chakras, you feel lost and anxious.
It provides
stability, security, grounding, and peace. A blockage may cause
apathy, overthinking, and anger issues. Find out how to heal your Root Chakra in this FREE app now!
The Sacral Chakra

Sign associated with this chakra: Sagittarius
that tend to have blockages: Cancer, Pisces
Color: Orange
This chakra is located just below the belly button. It is
associated with emotions, and having it blocked may cause anhedonia.
You may find it hard to find pleasure in simple things. You are
detached from your own feelings, you feel stuck and bored. The
chakra is also connected to your feelings of self-worth.
Solar Plexus Chakra
associated with this chakra: Aries
that tend to have blockages: Capricorn, Leo
Color: Yellow
This chakra is located in the stomach area. A blockage in this chakra can cause one of the harshest emotional imbalances, bringing anxiety, stress, and depression. If you’re in a romantic relationship, a blockage in this chakra can result in jealousy and low self-esteem. You start feeling overly confrontational and defensive for no reason.
Feel like your chakra needs help? Find out what to do to heal it in Chakra Balancer!
Heart Chakra

Sign associated
with this chakra: Libra
that tend to have blockages: Taurus,
Color: Green
chakra is located in the chest area. It is focused on your ability to
receive (and give, of course) love. If there’s something wrong with
this powerful energy center, you may feel unworthy of kindness. You
may even think that nothing good will ever happen to you, and no one
will ever love you. You’re anxious, overly defensive, and
you doubt yourself.
If you feel like your chakra is blocked, Chakra Balancer App will help you restore it. Try here!
Throat Chakra
associated with this chakra: Virgo
that tends to
have blockages: Sagittarius
chakra is located in the throat area, and it is linked to
self-expression. A blockage in this area may result in issues with
expressing your emotions —
and such repression may cause insecurity and, of course, anxiety,
including social anxiety.
You may be afraid to speak up or feel like
you have nothing to say that is worthy of other people’s time.
If you think your Throat Chakra is blocked, check out healing exercises and tips in Chakra Balancer App for free.
Third Eye Chakra

associated with this chakra: Scorpio
Sign that tends
to have blockages: Gemini
chakra is located between the eyes, and when out of balance, it can
be a major source of anxiety. Your awareness becomes more limited,
stopping you from seeing things as they truly are. Your mind is
plagued by fear, self-doubt, and insecurity.
Crown Chakra
Sign associated
with this chakra: Pisces
Signs that tend to have blockages:
Virgo, Libra
crown chakra is linked to every organ of
your body, and it
may affect your brain and nervous system. It allows you to see the
full picture and understand WHY the Universe is sending you all those
challenges. When this chakra is NOT
blocked, you can trust that you’re on the right path. However, a
blockage may make you feel like every challenge you face is a
personal attack.
What to Do?

So, how to
unblock your chakras —
or, to be precise, balance them to make them work as they’re
supposed to?
1. Try to visualize a white light being
drawn to a certain chakra.
2. Meditate
outdoors or just spend more time outdoors.
3. Try yoga.
Chakra Balancer will tell you how to practice yoga for healing.
Do not work against your body. Listen to
The seven chakras are very
important to our minds and bodies. Your
energy centers are in need of nurturing —
take care of them!