Spring Break Ideas For Every Sign

Spring Break is not only about dozens of students getting down with their friends; it’s also about the precious moments of rest and relaxation available now to adults, too. You, at last, get a chance to forget about all the hard work you’ve done and make some plans for the coming weeks of freedom. Where to go and what to do this time? Choose your sign and start packing!

Get spring break ideas for your sign here!


March 21 - April 19

Aries natives are known for their sporty nature, and it’s hardly possible to imagine you spending your vacation lying on the beach and reading a classic novel. When you get a chance to have a good rest you prefer to be engaged in the most adventurous activities one could imagine.

Still not sure about what type of entertainment to choose? Think of something like rock climbing, skydiving, rafting or even swimming with sharks! Each of them or all of them together are destined to give you an unforgettable experience and make your Spring Break as special as you want it to be!


April 20 - May 20

Spring Break Ideas For Taurus

Taurus people usually enjoy relaxation more than other things and see their best Spring Break as lying on the beach simply doing nothing. If it happened to you before that you needed a vacation after your vacation it was probably because a person of a more active sign was trailing you after him or her.

How to organize an ideal Spring Break vacation? Buy a package tour and treat yourself to relaxing afternoon naps and delicious dinners at seaside restaurants. These activities will give you the long-expected rest from the everyday routine and monotony.


May 21 - June 20

Every journey you take is to be not merely a source of relaxation but a means of self-education as well. You highly appreciate guided tours when you’re told about legendary historic places, castles, and fortresses as well as people who inhabited them.

When choosing a city for your spring visit think of big ones like New York City, Los Angeles or even Paris. The thing is that your restless nature will not allow you to stay in one place for long, so you’d prefer to see many things in the same place.


June 21 - July 22

Loud parties and noisy companies of dozens of friends are definitely not the best ideas for your Spring Break vacation. Being a well-known stay-at-home person, you’d rather arrange a cruise with your closest friends or family. Spending time with the people you love and being so close to water will make you happy as never before.

Another vacation idea that would suit you perfectly is discovering new unexplored areas. You’d spare no time and effort to walk along the ancient streets talking to the people who can share their knowledge about the impressive history of the place with you.


July 23 - August 22

Spring Break Ideas For Leo

You’re a lion and you’re the king – you enjoy staying in the center of everybody’s attention and you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Not everybody would like to spend their Spring Break in places like Las Vegas or Cancun, but you’d feel totally comfortable there.

You have enough energy to spend the whole night dancing and flirting and then feel strong enough to come to breakfast smiling. If you see a cameraman nearby you won’t resist coming into the spotlight, so be sure you’ll have plenty of funny pictures later!


August 23 - September 22

Your aim is to explore the world around you leading a healthy way of life, so the most suitable option for your Spring Break will be traveling as a part of a tour group. Take your compass, backpack, and tent and go out into the wilderness! You’re sure to enjoy this walking holiday.

The reverse of the medal is that you hate planning things and would do your best to avoid organizing all the stuff. The best way out is to find a person of another sign who’d take lead and rescue you from this unpleasant (for you) business. Then you’d definitely have a marvelous vacation and jump at this rare chance to relax.


September 23 - October 23

Being one of the most balanced zodiac signs, you’d hardy spend your Spring Break in such noisy places like Cancun or Key West. You’d certainly want something more refined and even educating and see your best holiday full of visiting art museums, doing shopping and having great dinners in the most exquisite restaurants.

If you’re on a low budget it’s not a problem: you’re one of those rare people who’re able to easily find the places that will suit both your calm nature and your present financial situation. To find yourself in some eye-pleasing location is more enjoyable for you than to dance the whole night away.


October 24 - November 22

Spring Break Ideas For Scorpio

Belonging to one of the water signs, Scorpio representatives would love to spend their Spring Break close to some water body, as its proximity makes them more balanced. Besides, Scorpios are the well-known representatives of the darkest zodiac side. They love to visit the destinations that can boast of the darkest possible history like New Orleans, Paris or Vancouver.

You’d enjoy walking along the streets full of the ghosts of the past and solving their mystical riddles. What would make your vacation even more thrilling? Take a couple of your closest friends who share the same view of life and immerse yourself into this gloomy atmosphere together.


November 23 - December 21

You belong to probably one of the most adventure-seeking zodiac signs and can’t imagine your Spring Break as a quiet seaside holiday. You’d rather choose a “footpath in the wilderness” like Long Trail or Appalachian Trail for a hike and spend several days mountaineering and enjoying the beauty of nature.

If this time spending is not venturous enough then think of something like taking a journey to Central America and looking at ancient Aztec and Mayan monuments. You need no guide to take this audacious trip! Use your vacation time to explore the mysterious world around you and see the places that remind you of a dream.


December 22 - January 19

Your everyday life is filled with important events, so your vacation time is to be absolutely relaxing and inspiring. Going to locations like Puerto Rico or Daytona and partying all nights long is surely not the best occupation for youк Spring Break, but why not choose something quieter?

A short trip to a small town every street of which has a long history known to the locals only would truly hit the spot and make your spring vacation as pleasant as it can be. Another great option is choosing a relaxing getaway somewhere in the mountains and spending a couple of idyllic days there.


January 20 - February 19

Spring Break Ideas for Aquarius

Aquarians love exotic things and destinations and their Spring Break vacation is not to be an exception. What would become your perfect occupation in this long-awaited time period? Probably, something like a road trip across several states in the company of your best friends will become a great choice.

But looking at the sights out of your car window is surely not the thing you’d love. You’d prefer to have a closer look at every attraction you approach and wander among the ruins of the ancient buildings you see. Great choice! Just make sure you don’t start this journey alone.


February 20 - March 20

The two things you love more than anything are water and spirituality, so your Spring Break vacation is to include them both. Let’s start with water – you can stay at a seaside hotel and spend several pleasant days and nights there simply doing nothing; you can choose a more adventurous destination and occupations thought, too.

Now spirituality – why not combine it with your love to water again and take a trip to a spa? It will heal your body and soul and will give you a chance to relax when you need it most. Yoga will become another good idea for you, so look for a good yoga retreat, too