
Nov 23 - Dec 22

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords for the day: Balance, Peace, Mindfulness Today's Rating: 7 — Good day. Today is about finding balance, cultivating inner peace, and practicing mindfulness. Things to do: Work towards a balanced lifestyle that caters to both your professional and personal needs. Seek moments of peace and tranquility. Be mindful and present in your daily activities. Things to avoid: Ignoring the need for balance in your life. Allowing stress to disturb your peace. Getting caught up in the past or future, neglecting the present moment. Tip of the day: Your pursuit of balance, peace, and mindfulness will bring a sense of fulfillment and make this day a good one.


Your never-ending chase of everything new can make you overlook really important things. Find it in yourself to slow down and give some matters another thought.

Best Matches

Sagittarius will find a great life companion among easy-going and curious Gemini or reckless Aries and Leo.

Worst Matches

Freedom and adventure are Sagittarius’ air, which means they’ll get along well neither with possessive Taurus and Virgo nor with homebound Cancer.

Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Color: Shades of purple
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling House: 9th House of Philosophy and Religion

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