
Aug 24 - Sep 23

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords for the day: Inspiration, Leadership, Abundance Today's Rating: 10 — Superb day. Virgo, embrace inspiration and opportunities to lead. Your qualities are needed, and abundance awaits. Things to do: Step into leadership roles and guide others with your wisdom. Seek inspiration from various sources, including nature and art. Share your vision and ideas with enthusiasm; they may lead to abundance. Things to avoid: Shying away from leadership roles. Your guidance is valuable. Sticking to familiar routines. Explore new horizons. Suppressing your creative and visionary ideas. Tip of the day: Embrace the exceptional energy of the day by leading with inspiration and seizing abundant opportunities.


Don’t be too hard on people around! Remember: to err is human!

Best Matches

Virgo’s sincerity makes them great partners for sensitive Pisces, as well as Taurus and Capricorn, who have a very similar way of thinking.

Worst Matches

Virgo’s practicality won’t let them find common ground with extravagant Aquarius, unpredictable Gemini or Libra.

Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Color: Dark blue, greens and brown
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: 6th House of Health

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