
Jan 21 - Feb 19

July , 2024
Overall Score: 8.8/10 First Third: Embracing Change Score: 8.9/10 Change is in the air. You might encounter shifts in personal or professional life, pushing you out of your comfort zone. You should: go with the flow, adapt, and be open to new experiences. You shouldn't: resist change or be overly anxious about the unknown. Opportunities: Personal growth, new encounters, and broadened perspectives. Warnings: Ensure you're grounded amidst all the shifts. Mid-Month: Focus on Financial Planning Score: 8.7/10 Money matters come to the forefront. Whether it's saving, investing, or budgeting, you'll feel the need to get your finances in order. You should: consult financial advisors, review investments, and set a clear budget. You shouldn't: make impulsive financial decisions or get swayed by too-good-to-be-true schemes. Opportunities: Financial growth, secure future, and smarter money management. Warnings: Stay wary of any risky investments. Last Third: Dive into Philosophy and Learning Score: 9.0/10 Intellectual pursuits beckon you. Philosophy, metaphysics, or any in-depth studies could fascinate you. You should: join discussion groups, attend lectures, or simply delve deep into books. You shouldn't: engage in heated debates or become dogmatic about your beliefs. Opportunities: Cognitive growth, new intellectual connections, and a more profound understanding of the world. Warnings: Ensure a balanced approach to any study. Overall: A month of evolution, Aquarius! Embracing change, financial wisdom, and intellectual dives will ensure you come out enriched by month's end.


Your thirst for knowledge can be quenched by ideas, which range from outstanding to crazy. Learn to balance them in order to get more understanding from people around.

Best Matches

Aquarian unpredictability makes them compatible with Gemini and Libra.

Worst Matches

Head in the clouds doesn’t make Aquarius a great partner for down-to-earth Capricorn and Taurus or homebound Cancer.

Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Color: Bright blue, turquoise green and purple
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Ruling House: 11th House of Friends and Society

Learn more about the other signs to be aware of what awaits your family and friends.

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