
Jan 21 - Feb 19

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords for the day: Empowerment, Liberation, Authenticity Today's Prediction: 10 — Superb day A day of empowerment and liberation awaits you, Aquarius, as you embrace your authentic self and step into your power fully. You're free to express yourself without reservation, confident in your uniqueness and the gifts you bring to the world. Let your light shine brightly today, inspiring others to do the same. Things to do: Embrace your quirks and individuality, celebrating what makes you truly unique. Stand tall in your convictions and values, unapologetically owning your truth. Use your voice and actions to advocate for causes that resonate with your heart and soul. Things to avoid: Dimming your light to conform to others' expectations or societal norms. Suppressing your true feelings or desires out of fear of judgment or rejection. Allowing doubts or insecurities to overshadow your innate power and potential. Tip of the day: Your authenticity is your superpower, Aquarius. Today, embody it fully, knowing that by being true to yourself, you inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and liberation.


Your thirst for knowledge can be quenched by ideas, which range from outstanding to crazy. Learn to balance them in order to get more understanding from people around.

Best Matches

Aquarian unpredictability makes them compatible with Gemini and Libra.

Worst Matches

Head in the clouds doesn’t make Aquarius a great partner for down-to-earth Capricorn and Taurus or homebound Cancer.

Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Color: Bright blue, turquoise green and purple
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Ruling House: 11th House of Friends and Society

Learn more about the other signs to be aware of what awaits your family and friends.

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