
Jun 22 - Jul 23

March , 2025
Overall Score: 9.2/10 First Third: Culinary Crafts Score: 9.3/10 Whipping up new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen reignites your passion. You should: try new cuisines, organize potluck dinners, or enroll in cooking classes. You shouldn't: overindulge or compromise on dietary requirements. Opportunities: Bonding over meals and discovering hidden culinary talents. Warnings: Always ensure food safety and moderation in portions. Mid-Month: Antique Adventures Score: 9.1/10 Old artifacts and stories of the past draw your attention. You should: visit antique stores, restore old furniture, or delve into family history. You shouldn't: overspend on items without verifying their authenticity. Opportunities: Connecting with history and potentially valuable discoveries. Warnings: Be wary of sellers without credibility. Last Third: Nurturing Nature Score: 9.2/10 The outdoors beckons, highlighting the importance of nature in your life. You should: take nature walks, start gardening, or engage in bird watching. You shouldn't: disrupt natural habitats or leave trash behind. Opportunities: Enhanced mental well-being and deeper connection with nature. Warnings: Always ensure personal safety when venturing outdoors. Overall: Cancer, a month filled with flavors of the world, historical curiosities, and the beauty of nature awaits. Cherish every aroma, each tale, and every leaf that rustles in your journey.


Get a grip on yourself and count to ten before you react to anything (anything!) Find an easy exercise that will help you take control over mood swings.

Best Matches

Cancer will enjoy a peaceful and secure relationship with Virgo or Taurus.

Worst Matches

Active Aries and fiery Leo will hardly find common ground with homely Cancer. Neither will Gemini or Libra.

Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Silver, grays and greens
Ruling Planet: Moon
Ruling House: 4th House of Home and Family

Learn more about the other signs to be aware of what awaits your family and friends.

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