
Sep 24 - Oct 23

Friday - March 14th , 2025
Keywords for the day: Peace, Calmness, Serenity Today's Rating: 5 — Mediocre day. Libra, seek peace and calmness. Find serenity in your surroundings. Things to do: Engage in activities that promote inner peace, like meditation or yoga. Create a serene environment at home or work. Take time to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body. Things to avoid: Getting caught up in chaos or stressful situations. Neglecting your need for peace and calmness. Allowing external factors to disturb your inner serenity. Tip of the day: Finding peace in both your external and internal world will help you navigate through any challenges.


Don’t forget about your own needs and desires while making everyone around happy!

Best Matches

Libra’s balanced nature makes them a good partner for Gemini, Aquarius and Libras, too!

Worst Matches

Libras love stability and balance; they won’t stand pushy Aries, unyielding Capricorn or Cancer with their mood swings.

Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Pastel blues, lavender and pink
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: 7th House of Relationships

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