
May 22 - Jun 21

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords: Engaging Conversations, Smooth Tasks, Happiness Today's Rating: 7 – Good day Engaging conversations and smooth tasks will fill your day with happiness. Things to do: Engage in meaningful conversations. Focus on completing tasks smoothly. Enjoy moments of happiness. Things to avoid: Staying silent when you have something to share. Letting minor obstacles disrupt your flow. Overlooking happy moments. Tip of the day: Meaningful conversations and smooth tasks will bring joy to your day.


The speed your brain functions at is too much for some of the people around you; learn to slow down, take a break and focus – meditation and yoga may be of some help here.

Best Matches

Geminis are on the same wavelength with Libra and Aquarius, as well as with fiery Leo.

Worst Matches

As air doesn’t mix with water or earth, so Gemini can’t learn to understand Cancer and Pisces (Water signs) and Taurus and Virgo (Earth signs).

Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Color: Yellow
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: 3rd House of Communication

Learn more about the other signs to be aware of what awaits your family and friends.

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