
Oct 24 - Nov 22

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords for the day: Intuition, Mystery, Depth Today's Rating: 6 — Mediocre day. Today calls for tapping into your intuition, Scorpio. Embrace the mystery and depth of your inner world. Things to do: Trust your intuition when making decisions. Explore the deeper aspects of your thoughts and feelings. Engage in activities that stimulate your interest in the mysterious or unknown. Things to avoid: Ignoring your intuitive signals or gut feelings. Avoiding the exploration of deeper emotional or psychological states. Being closed off to new perspectives or insights. Tip of the day: Your intuitive and inquisitive nature will guide you through the day’s complexities. Embrace the depths of your inner world.


Control your feelings in order not to hurt other people! Beware of your secretiveness: it can wear you out; don’t keep everything to yourself.

Best Matches

Scorpio’s passionate will help him/her find an optimal partner among Taurus, Pisces and Cancer.

Worst Matches

Scorpio is too intense to find common ground with Aquarius, Gemini or Leo.

Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Color: Deep, dark reds and purples
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Ruling House: 8th House of Birth, Life and Death

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