
Jul 24 - Aug 23

July , 2024
Overall Score: 8.7/10 First Third: Exploration and Broadened Horizons. Score: 9/10 The adventurer within urges you to step out and explore new terrains or knowledge. You should: travel, if possible, or delve into new subjects of interest. You shouldn’t: stay in your comfort zone. Adventure calls! Opportunities: Personal growth and potential discovery of new passions. Warnings: Ensure safety in adventures. Preparation is key. Mid-Month: Collaboration and Teamwork. Score: 8.5/10 Collaborative energies dominate, making it an excellent time for team projects or joint ventures. You should: engage in teamwork. Value each member's input. You shouldn’t: dominate discussions. Encourage inclusivity. Opportunities: Successful team projects and synergistic achievements. Warnings: Potential for team dynamics issues. Maintain open communication. Last Third: Financial Focus and Stability. Score: 8.5/10 Your focus narrows to finances. Assess and plan for future security. You should: review budgets, investments, and financial goals. You shouldn’t: make hasty financial decisions. Seek expert advice if needed. Opportunities: Strengthening financial stability and making sound investments. Warnings: Be cautious of impulsive spending. Overall: Leo, from adventurous beginnings to collaborative efforts, concluding with a pragmatic focus on finances, this month offers a well-rounded experience. Approach each phase with enthusiasm and prudence, letting your Leo magnificence shine.


Enjoy life and yourself, but don’t forget about other people’s feelings.

Best Matches

The optimal love match for Leo is Aries, Gemini or Sagittarius.

Worst Matches

Leo can be insensitive, which makes him/her incompatible with Pisces, and dominating, which also removes stubborn Taurus and powerful Scorpio from the list of suitable partners.

Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Color: Orange and yellow
Ruling Planet: Sun
Ruling House: 5th House of Pleasure

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