
Jul 24 - Aug 23

Saturday - March 15th , 2025
Keywords for the day: Brilliance, Celebration, Zeal Today's Rating: 9 – Superb day. Leo, today you are in your element. Celebrate the brilliance you bring to the world. Things to do: Revel in activities you excel at. Share your achievements with loved ones. Light up someone else's day with a compliment or gift. Things to avoid: Overindulgence. Overlooking the achievements of others. Being boastful to the point of alienating others. Tip of the day: Your zeal lights up the room; share that light generously.


Enjoy life and yourself, but don’t forget about other people’s feelings.

Best Matches

The optimal love match for Leo is Aries, Gemini or Sagittarius.

Worst Matches

Leo can be insensitive, which makes him/her incompatible with Pisces, and dominating, which also removes stubborn Taurus and powerful Scorpio from the list of suitable partners.

Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Color: Orange and yellow
Ruling Planet: Sun
Ruling House: 5th House of Pleasure

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