
Dec 23 - Jan 20

Sunday - July 28th , 2024
Keywords for the day: Strategy, Commitment, Exploration Today's Rating: 6 – Mediocre day. A day marked by strategy awaits, Capricorn. Your commitment to goals is commendable, but it also allows space for some exploration. Things to do: Set clear objectives for the upcoming week. Research and explore a new topic of interest. Initiate a discussion with a mentor or senior colleague. Things to avoid: Overplanning to the point of rigidity. Avoiding necessary breaks or rest. Disregarding input from others. Tip of the day: Strategy is a map; allow room for detours to discover hidden treasures.


Try to understand that your loved ones appreciate your material help, but they need you to give an emotional outlet to your love and care.

Best Matches

Capricorn’s sincerity and ambition make him/her highly compatible with Cancer, Taurus and Virgo.

Worst Matches

Composed Capricorns will find it hard to get along with impulsive Aries and Leo or light-minded Gemini.

Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Brown and green
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: 10th House of Career

Learn more about the other signs to be aware of what awaits your family and friends.

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